Kara Mia Vernon

Contact Kara Mia Vernon

Allergy Therapist in Frome

You can get in touch with Kara Mia regarding Allergy Therapist in a couple of ways. You can call them directly on 07957341741 making sure you mention Find a Therapy when you speak to them, or you can complete the message form below and we'll send the message directly on your behalf.

When you are completing the form below, please make sure you are as detailed as possible to ensure Kara Mia is able to properly advise and accommodate your requirements.

Kara Mia will respond to your submission directly, and from there you will be able to directly email them as well as arrange a suitable appointment or consultation (if nccessary).

Please allow up to 2/3 working days for a response from Kara Mia, but if your enquiry is urgent we would strongly advise you to call Kara Mia on 07957341741.

Send Kara Mia Vernon a Message

By ticking this box you are agreeing to be contacted by the therapist listed above. Your data will be shared with this therapist only.

Important: Please ensure you only use this form to enquire about therapy for yourself or another person (with their consent). To learn more about the way we process the information you enter on this form, please read our privacy policy notice.

Please be aware your IP address of has been logged with this request. We store this IP address as a deterrent for spam messages.