We have 88 different therapies listed on our website, from traditional therapies like hypnotherapy and counselling, to some more specialist options like bioresonance and hydrotherm massage. Take a browse of the list below, and click the orange buttons to view the therapists who offer your chosen therapy.
Abdominal-Sacral Massage is a combination of bodywork techniques that address common complaints of the reproductive and digestive systems and lower back problems.
View Abdominal-Sacral MasseusesAcupressure is a traditional Chinese healing method in which the fingertips are used to apply pressure to stimulate key healing points (this contrasts with acupuncture, where needles are used). When these key points are stimulated they restore the free flow of energy around the body.
View AcupressuristsAcupuncture is an ancient system of medicine, which started in the East and is now firmly established in the West. In this system of healing illness is seen as an imbalance of energy.
View AcupuncturistsThe Alexander technique teaches people let go of unnecessary tension in order to improve their posture, movement and coordination.
View Alexander Technique PractitionersAllergies are the bodys adverse reaction to substances in our everyday environment, such as pollen, dust and certain foods.
View Allergy TherapistsAromatherapy is the use of essential oils to help promote and maintain health and well being. In a treatment it is done through the sense of smell and through the absorption into the skin.
View AromatherapistsArts therapy is a form of psychotherapy which uses the creative process of making art, music or drama to improve a person's physical, mental and emotional well-being.
View Arts TherapistsAstrology is a method of divination based on what's occurring in the sky at a particular place and time. While divination is often thought of as another word for "predicting the future" or "fortune-telling", these thoughts are really only a small part of it. More correctly, divination means entering into a sacred space to conduct a conversation with the divine. That conversation can have many aspects: gaining a different perspective on a situation, foreseeing potential outcomes and negotiating a new approach to a current position are all part of a divination.
View Astrological CounsellorsAutogenic Training and Therapy (AT) was developed by a research psychiatrist, Dr Schultz, over 85 years ago. He designed a simple way to induce deep mental relaxation at will, bringing with it remarkable mental and physical benefits.
View Autogenic Training PractitionersAyurveda is a 5,000 year old system of natural healing originating in India.
View Ayurveda PractitionersBiofeedback therapy involves training patients to control physiological processes such as muscle tension, blood pressure or heart rate. Although these are normally involuntary processes a biofeedback therapist can help patients manipulate them and hence alleviate their symptoms.
View Biofeedback PractitionersBio-Resonance uses a sophisticated piece of electronic equipment called a Bio-resonance System to provide a special type of energy medicine. Its purpose is to re-balance you holistically, using energetic resonances to help dissolve underlying energetic imbalances that can result in poor health at many levels.
View Bioresonance TherapistsBody psychotherapy, also known as somatic psychology or body-oriented psychotherapy, is a type of psychotherapy that uses the body to create psychological change. It's based on the idea that the body and mind are fundamentally connected, and that the body is an integral part of the whole person.
View sBody Stress Release is designed to help the body release its stored tension. The technique involves the practitioner locating stored tension, especially along the spine, and releasing it with a precise application of pressure.
View Body Stress Release PractitionersBodyTalk is a simple and effective holistic therapy that allows your body's energy systems to be re-synchronized so they can operate as nature intended.
View BodyTalk PractitionersBowen Therapy is a soft tissue rolling and stretching technique, applied using your practitioner's fingers or thumbs, almost always as near as practical to 90 degrees across the fibres that you wish to have the greatest effect on. This can be muscle, ligament, tendon, fascia 'any soft tissue'.
View Bowen Technique PractitionersThe fundamental idea of BWRT is that, although our brains are incredibly complicated, one of their most important tasks is in essence simple; to assess whether the information received from our senses matches some previous experience.
View TherapistsChiropody (or podiatry) involves the treatment of foot related problems including ingrown toenails, athlete's foot, verrucas, corns and calluses, painful feet, cracked skin and bunions. The chiropodist/podiatrist may just need to remove any hard skin, clip toenails or check whether you are wearing the right shoes.
View ChiropodistsChiropractic is described by the General Chiropractic Council as 'a health profession concerned with the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system, and the effects of these disorders on the function of the nervous system and general health'.
View ChiropractorsClinical Pilates focuses on posture, core stability, balance, strength, flexibility and breathing to treat a variety of muscular injuries. It is an adaptation of traditional Pilates in that the client is normally treated on an individual basis by a physiotherapist and given a target program specific to their injuries.
View Clinical Pilates PractitionersCBT is a talking therapy that focuses on the way people think ('cognitive') and act ('behavioural').
View Cognitive Behavioural TherapistsColon Hydrotherapy is a completely natural treatment that is enjoyed by thousands of people every day, from celebrities and film stars to ordinary people of all ages, from all walks of life.
View Colon Hydrotherapy TherapistsColour therapy and the colour mirrors system is best described as The Language of the Soul. It is an ideal complement to other alternative therapies such as aromatherapy, reiki, EFT, NLP, kinesiology, reflexology and matrix re-imprinting.
View Colour TherapistsCounselling is a type of talking therapy which involves a person discussing emotional difficulties and problems in a supportive and confidential environment. The counsellor is not there to give advice or to be judgemental, rather their role is to listen to the client with empathy and help them understand their feelings and behaviour with the hope that the client finds their own solutions to the problems.
View CounsellorsCraniosacral Therapy involves lightly touching your head, spine and other parts of the body to relieve pain and tension in the body and to promote a sense of well-being.
View Craniosacral TherapistsCrystal Therapy is the ancient art of laying-on-of-stones. Gems, stones and crystals are laid on the body over the chakra points. Each crystal has its own unique healing properties based on the energy or vibrations it both attracts and releases. This allows energy to flow more freely between the crystal and the body allowing you to direct concentrated energy to particular areas.
View Crystal TherapistsDietitians interpret the science of nutrition to improve health and treat diseases and conditions by educating and giving practical, personalised advice to clients, patients, and carers.
View DietitiansEye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing is a one-on-one form of psychotherapy that is designed to reduce trauma, stress, panic and anxiety.
View EMDR PractitionersEmmett Technique is a muscle release therapy developed by Ross Emmett. The therapist uses the application of light pressure at specific points and in sequences that relax muscle tissue and help improve body posture and movement.
View Emmet Technique PractitionersEmotional Freedom Techniques, or EFT is a healing tool that can provide impressive results for physical, emotional, and performance issues. It operates on the premise that no matter what part of your life needs improvement, there are unresolved emotional issues in the way.
View EFT PractitionersEnergy Medicine is any practice that works with energy as a vital, living, moving force that is at the foundation of our well-being.
View Energy Medicine PractitionersConstellations are a solution-focused healing approach that can help you reveal the hidden dynamics in your family or relationship in order to address any stressors impacting these relationships and heal them, as well as it can be used for self exploration, to investigate and resolve difficult and seemingly intractable issues that seem resistant to change.
View Family Constellation TherapistsFascial Stretch Therapy (FST) is a form of assisted stretching, that is performed with the client lying on a massage couch. Unlike other stretching techniques, FST starts at the joint capsule and focusses on stretching the muscles and the fascia in multiple planes, rather than just muscles.
View Fascial Stretch TherapistsFlower essences are herbal infusions made by immersing fully-blooming flowers in spring water and placing this in sunlight.
View Flower Essences TherapistsA Foot Health Practitioner is qualified to provide routine foot care within the private sector. Treatment is carried out within a clinic environment or in the comfort of the patient's own home.
View Foot Health TherapistsThe Havening Technique was created and developed by Dr Ron Ruden and his brother Dr Steven Ruden. It is designed to alter and disrupt the negative emotional response.
View Havening Techniques PractitionersThe meaning of 'healing' is 'to make whole'. The practice of channelling subtle but powerful healing energy with positive intent goes back centuries. All healing supports self-healing, helping us to regain balance of mind, body and soul so that we can thrive and live the lives we all deserve.
View HealersHerbal medicine uses plants, or mixtures of plant extracts, to treat illness and promote health. It aims to restore your body's ability to protect, regulate and heal itself.
View Herbal Medicine PractitionersHomeopathy is a system of natural healthcare that has been in worldwide use for over 200 years. Homeopathy treats each person as a unique individual with the aim of stimulating their own healing ability. A homeopath selects the most appropriate medicine based on the individual's specific symptoms and personal level of health.
View HomeopathsHomotoxicology is a scientifically proven and extensively researched medical practice that studies the effects of toxic substances on the human body.
View HomotoxicologistsHuman givens is a recognised therapy, with an accredited professional register. The approach stems from the insight that all forms of mental distress arise because, in one way or another, people's physical or emotional needs are not being met. Meeting our essential needs and using well the innate resources that can help us meet them - the 'givens' of human nature - are at the heart of the human givens (HG) approach.
View sHydrotherapy is mainly a hot and cold water therapy, which also uses invigorating and healing pressure of water upon the body.
View HydrotherapistsThe Hydrotherm system is a British invention and has gone on to be made in the UK. In 1992 creator John Holman designed the system to help himself continue as a Sports & Remedial Massage Therapist as he, like many Therapists had lower back problems and RSI in his wrists. A simple design of two warm water cushions, headrests and an air filled bolster became the solution.
View Hydroterm MasseusesModern hypnotherapy combines clinically proven techniques and a scientific understanding of how the brain works with the state of trance to help people make significant positive changes within relatively short periods of time.
View HypnotherapistsIndian head massage is based on the Ayurvedic system of healing which has been practiced in India or over a thousand years. It involves a massage to the head, face, upper back, shoulders, arms and hands that relieves tension in the muscles. It is calming and relaxing leaving you feel energised, revitalised, stimulated and able to concentrate to concentrate better.
View Indian Head MasseusesIEMT is a form of therapy that has had dramatic positive results for people with traumatic life experiences. If you have had a trauma in your past and feel you can not get over, or that it stops you from moving forward, IEMT could help. IEMT can be used content free - so you do not have to discuss what the trauma was if you feel you cannot talk about it (as long as you are aware of what the trauma was).
View Integral Eye Movement TherapistsIntensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP) is an evidence-based, affect-focussed approach shown to be effective for a broad range of psychological disorders such as anxiety, depression, psychosomatic illnesses, as well as personality disorders. Research indicates positive outcomes are long lasting, with improvement continuing after termination.
View ISTDP PractitionersKinesiology is the study of body movement. It uses muscle testing to determine possible causes of imbalances in a person's body. Treatment takes the form of the kinesiologist testing muscles in different positions and then using the response to realign the body.
View KinesiologistsLife coaching draws upon a variety of tools and techniques from other disciplines such as sociology, psychology, neuroscience, positive adult development and career counseling with an aim towards helping people identify and achieve personal goals.
View Life CoachsManual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) is an advanced therapy in which the practitioner uses a range of specialised and gentle rhythmic pumping techniques to move the skin in the direction of the lymph flow.
View Manual Lymphatic Drainage PractitionersMassage Therapy covers a wide variety of techniques including some of those listed separately on the site. Examples include Swedish massage (which involves long strokes, kneading, rolling and taping), Sports massage (which combines techniques such as Swedish massage and Shiatsu to meet the specific needs of athletes)
View Massage TherapistsMatrix Reimprinting (MR) is a holistic client led treatment, which incorporates and builds on traditional Meridian based EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), or Tapping. Matrix Reimprinting evolved out of EFT, developed by EFT Master, Karl Dawson.
View Matrix Reimprinting PractitionersMeditation is a mind and body practice that has a long history of use for increasing calmness and physical relaxation, improving psychological balance, coping with illness and enhancing overall health and well-being.
View Meditation PractitionersMindfulness involves paying attention to the present moment; to your own thoughts and feelings and to the world around you. Mindfulness helps to change the way you think and feel about your experiences, especially those which produce a stressful response.
View Mindfulness PractitionersMyofascial Release is a soft tissue therapy that uses manual massage techniques and low level stretching to release muscular tightness.
View Myofascial Release PractitionersNaturopathy involves the use of natural therapies such as acupuncture, homeopathy and herbal medicine, the use of physical therapies such as kinesiology and advice on nutrition in order to prevent the onset of illness and disease. Naturopathy is based on a number of core principles including:
View NaturopathsNeuro-linguistic programming (NLP) is an approach to communication, personal development, and psychotherapy.
View NLP PractitionersNutritional Therapy is the use of diet and nutrition to maintain or improve a person's health and wellbeing. It takes a holistic approach which addresses both the causes of the problem and the symptoms. Nutritional Therapy is used to help with issues with digestion, low levels of energy, sports performance, allergies, asthma, high blood pressure, joint and muscle pain, weight, migraine and insomnia to name just a few.
View Nutritional TherapistsOldPain2Go was created to utilise the body's own healing power to remove old, unnecessary pain messages.
View OldPain2Go PractitionersOsteopathy is an effective form of hands-on healthcare that aims to improve how the body functions to reduce pain and improve people's quality of life.
View OsteopathsPhysiotherapy is the treatment and prevention of injury through the use of movement and exercise, massage, hydrotherapy and other techniques such as acupuncture and electrotherapy. Physiotherapy is generally used to treat:
View PhysiotherapistsPilates is a complete exercise method developed by its founder, Joseph Pilates, who dedicated his lifetime to improving physical and mental health. Pilates focuses on building your body's core strength and improving your posture through a series of low repetition low impact stretching and conditioning exercises.
View Pilates PractitionersPsychosensory Techniques and Principles is the amalgamation of a series of healing systems, which have been linked together by Kevin Laye based on the best of the best of techniques learned over the course of his therapy career where he trained with originators of the techniques.
View Psy-Tap PractitionersPsych-K is short for psychological kinesiology and was created by Rob Williams. It provides ways of identifying and transforming beliefs that limit you, into beliefs that support you.
View Psych-K PractitionersPsychotherapy is used to treat people with emotional issues and mental health conditions. It primarily involves talking through your difficulties with a therapist, but may also involve alternative methods such as art, music and movement. Psychotherapy will address your feelings and behaviour and sessions may also involve a partner or other family members.
View PsychotherapistsQigong (often written as Chi Kung) has been practiced in China for over 3000 years but remains one of the best-kept health secrets on the planet. The movement and breath exercises complement western healing methods and works well when used in conjunction with medication, diet, education, and all of the other things your doctor may prescribe. Regular practice can transform a person's health to a higher level of vitality.
View Qigong Healing TherapistsRapid Transformational Therapy is a therapeutic approach that uses powerful, evidence-based techniques to provide people with the tools they need to make positive change. Its personalized approach works with clients to help them reframe any negative beliefs, values, habits and emotions – many of which they have carried with them since childhood. Often, these have been so deeply buried in their subconscious that they are unaware of the past issues affecting them.
View Rapid Transformational TherapistsReality Therapy is principally a method of counselling, based on Choice Theory, that is highly focused, interactive and applicable to almost every area where counselling or psychotherapy is practiced. Additionally, the practical skills, ideas and approaches of Reality Therapy have also been successfully applied to many other areas, including teaching, coaching, mentoring, managing, supervising, relationships and self development (most notably in the areas of stress management, anger management and self esteem programmes).
View Reality TherapistsReflexology involves the massage and application of pressure to the feet in order to improve the body's natural healing defences. Working on the feet is something that has been around for years and we know that certain cultures did so to promote health.
View ReflexologistsRegression Therapy is a way of working with a client's subconscious mind to find the source of a psychological problem.
View Regression TherapistsReiki is an accepted form of alternative therapy commonly perceived as a form of spiritual healing and yet it's far more than this. I consider Reiki supportive as a belief and behaviour approach towards personal fulfilment.
View Reiki PractitionersIn a relationship one or both members of a couple can often feel stuck in some way. Perhaps one partner wants the other to change and the other does not want to or know how to. A couple may find yourselves blaming each other or drifting apart. Relationship Therapy aims to address this.
View Relationship TherapistsRolfing was developed by Dr. Ida Rolf and is a method of physical manipulation of the body's myofascial system over a series of sessions with the goal of realigning the body and improving posture. Each session in the Series deals with a key area of the body.
View Rolfing PractitionersMany people acquire scars as they go through life. These could be as a result of planned or emergency surgery, or they could occur due to accidents. Scars carry with them the potential for physical and psychological impacts.
View Scar Tissue Release TherapistsSex Therapy is for secure couples or individuals seeking help for dissatisfaction in their sex lives.
View Sex TherapistsShamanism is the oldest Spiritual practise known to man. There is evidence to show that it is about 100.000 years old. All our ancestors would have practised it before various religions came along. It is resurging at this time as it seems Shamanic principles are so sorely needed in modern life.
View Shamanic HealersShiatsu means 'finger pressure' and the practitioner will use of thumbs, fingers and palms to apply pressure to certain pressure points in order to restore balance and harmony to the body. Shiatsu is used to relieve stress and tension and has also been known to treat back pain and stiffness of the muscles.
View Shiatsu PractitionersSpinal Energetics is a modality developed by Chiropractor and Counsellor Dr Sarah Jane. It is a practice that combines Eastern and Western thought, to interact with a person’s spine, nervous system and energetic field, to harness a person’s own innate wisdom to know and heal themselves.
View PractitionersSports therapists are experts in musculoskeletal disorders. They help those involved in sport overcome injuries and preventing them happening in the first place.
View Sports TherapistsStructural Integration or Rolfing works with both the muscles and fascia (myo-fascia) of the body, to release tension held within it and re-structure it.
View Structural Integration PractitionersTension and Trauma Releasing was developed by trauma specialist Dr David Berceli to reduce the impact of stress or tension from the body from everyday life or from traumatic life experiences.
View Tension and Trauma PractitionersThai massage looks like a cross between acupressure, yoga, and zen shiatsu and is inspired by Buddhist teachings. The actual massage consists of slow, rhythmic compressions and stretches along the body's energy lines, also called sen in Thai.
View Thai MasseusesFrom around the world, there have been various references to the historical practice of ear candling, (thermo- auricular therapy) both to treat medical conditions of the ear, nose or throat, or for ritual and ceremony. Historically these have been described as made of material such as pottery, bark, fabric, or reeds.
View Thermo-Auricular TherapistsThe Theta Healing technique is a meditation technique and spiritual philosophy. It was created by Vianna Stibal in 1995 after she developed a tumour in her leg, and as a way for her to heal.
View Theta HealersThought Field Therapy (TFT) was developed by Roger Callahan an American psychologist. It works by stimulating the body's energy meridians through gentle tapping with a view to releasing blocked energy and relieving conditions such as phobias, anxiety, trauma and emotional problems.
View Though Field Therapy PractitionersTwin therapists have a special knowledge of twins and multiples of all types and their relationship with each other, their siblings and their parents which can be helpful to parents of twins and more who may find that others do not understand the difficulties they are experiencing with their twins and more.
View Twin TherapistsYoga therapy combines traditional yoga with modern medicine. It comprises postural and breathing exercises, relaxation techniques and meditation to suit the needs of an individual. It is designed to promote all round health as well as assisting particular medical conditions such as:
View Yoga TherapistsZero Balancing is a gentle and powerful way of balancing body energy with body structure. It integrates Western scientific knowledge of body structure with Eastern understandings of energy and healing.
View Zero Balancing Practitioners