
Therapists in Swadlincote

Anne Huckerby

Anne Huckerby

I have been an Holistic Therapist since 2004. I specialise in Reiki and Energy Therapies and like to keep my skills and training up to date. I offer many different therapies including physical therapies such as Swedish Massage, Indian Head Massage,Thai Foot Massage, and Hopi Ear Candles. I also... [read more]

Crystal Therapy
Energy Medicine
Indian Head Massage
Massage Therapy
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Isaac Brennan

Isaac Brennan

My name is Isaac Brennan, I am by trade a freelance British Sign Language Interpreter, however I achieved my Homeopathy qualification and first experience with Bio-resonance therapy in 2006 when I myself received this treatment for my disability.
I was severely disabled, even paralysed for a time due to Myalgic Encephalomyelitis... [read more]

Bioresonance Therapy
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