Dominika Stanciakova Nutritional Therapy

Dominika Stanciakova
Nutritional Therapist in Slough

My mission is simple: to achieve your optimal well-being with a focus on gastrointestinal health. I help my clients take back control of their life through long-lasting nutritional and lifestyle changes with a supportive and holistic approach.

Along with personal insight, I have a wealth of clinical knowledge and over 10 years of professional experience. I've also learned that being healthy extends beyond the nutritional field and that making space for all the things that make us feel like ourselves is a crucial part of the journey. I am passionate about promoting wellness, which is rooted in nourishment, self-care and self-love.

Does Any of This Apply to You:

Are you suffering with long term intestinal issues?

Do you experience bloating, tummy pain, great discomfort, skin issues, low energy and yet, your blood test results are all within normal range?

Has your gut fallen out with you? Leaving you unsure what you did to upset it?

Have you recently been diagnosed with Inflammatory Bowel Disease or Celiac Disease and feel isolated, scared and uncertain about how to manage it?

Are your symptoms so difficult that, half the time you hide from the world what you really feel like?

Does the state of your health affect your relationships, working, travelling and day to day activities?

Do you feel like you'd like to find and maintain a healthy balance when it comes to making the correct dietary choices?

Or are you feeling confused by all the health information online and would like to understand more about how to support your health with personalised nutrition?

I would love to help you!

By guiding you to use the right food and lifestyle approach, you can become the healthiest version of yourself. It's time to focus on the things you love!

My clients say that working with me has given them a great road map on the type of help they were looking for to keep them on track on their health journey. Would you like to join them?

Don't struggle through this alone and book a free 20 min phone call so we can discuss how I can support you.

Together, we can walk you to optimal health.

Background & Nutritional Therapy Qualifications

Adult Nursing BSc
Nutritional Medicine BSc

I am a Registered Nutritional Therapist, Health Coach and a member of The British Association for Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine (BANT) - The leading professional body for Nutritional Therapists and The Council of Natural Healthcare (CNHC) - Accredited Register by the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care.

My Specialisms

Adults and elderly adults
Balanced diet
Binge eating disorder
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME
Coeliac disease
Confidence and self-esteem
Crohn's disease
Digestive problems
Food allergy and food intolerance
Healthy eating
Healthy hair
Heart disease
High blood pressure
High cholesterol
Iron deficiency anaemia
Irritable bowel syndrome
Life stages
Polycystic ovary syndrome
Premenstrual syndrome
Schoolchildren and teenagers
Skin health and conditions
Sports nutrition
Thyroid problems
Weight gain
Weight management
Women's nutrition

Approach to Nutritional Therapy & How I Work

In my evidence-based clinic, I apply the principles of Functional Medicine framework in order to investigate possible root causes of any health complications, rather than focusing on symptoms alone. My approach promotes optimising wellness by seeking why you may be experiencing a certain health concern or condition.

Since we are all so biochemically and beautifully unique, this approach is personalised in order to reflect every aspect of one's overall health. Gut related condition may present differently in one person compared to the other. It may have a different root cause and may manifest in the body in various ways.

When a client's symptoms are chronic, I frequently recommend GP or private functional testing to help me see beyond the condition or diagnosis and instead helps develop a more strategic nutritional approach based upon these results. Whilst it is possible to make progress in health without testing, I highly recommend it in majority cases.

Working with me is not about quick fix diets but rather adopting sustainable lifestyle changes to suit your goals and needs. The speed of recovery is very unique to every individual and their health history. My aim is to help you feel broadly supported throughout the process, even when your challenges are longer lasting or more complex.
I offer three different Programmes depending on the level of support my clients need.

Here is what to expect:

1) 20 minute free phone call
Together we will discuss your personal needs and major areas of health concerns and establish what Programme might suit you the best.

2) Initial consultation
Comprehensive consultation where we will go through the completed questionnaire in detail and in the end negotiate dietary plans, lifestyle recommendations, supplement options and possible functional testing.

3) Personalised protocol
You will receive your personalised protocol and I will guide you through any comprehensive recommended functional testing.

4) Follow ups & support
We'll review your progress and test results in our follow up consultations. I may adjust your protocol based on the test results. Continued support and guidance will follow (six, twelve or sixteen weeks).

Therapies & Rates

Please note the rates detailed below are there to give you an idea of the therapists standard rates, we strongly advise you contact the therapist for more detailed rates and any offers they may have.

Therapy Appointment Type Rate
Nutritional Therapy Online/Telephone Please Call
Nutritional Therapy In Person Please Call

Additional Rate Information

Free, no-obligation 20 minute phone call to discuss your health concerns.