Mara Brami Astrological Counselling

Mara Brami
Astrological Counsellor in London

Mara is a registered VortexHealing® practitioner of the highest levels of training, and a former professional ballet dancer.
VortexHealing® is a powerful holistic system of multi-dimensional healing & inner awakening which works solely with divine light and consciousness.
It derives its name from a particular divine energy- vortex that is brought in through the heart and which becomes a vehicle for divine presence to manifest healing and transformation.

The deep connection to this divine presence is what makes VortexHealing® so unique, but also the consciousness of the divine presence itself, and have all that be bridged deeply into whomever is being treated.

This enables VortexHealing® to perform extraordinary healings on the physical and emotional level as well as to release the deepest karmic issues we hold as human beings. They are transformed directly by divine consciousness, at all levels of our energy system & consciousness. At the same time, we are dropped deeper into our alignment with Divine and True Self.

For more information, please visit my website

"VortexHealing®" is a registered service mark of the R.Weinman VH Trust. All rights reserved. Used here with permission. For more information, on VortexHealing visit

Background & Astrological Counselling Qualifications

Foundational Training
Magical Structures
Earth Shift and Karmic Intensive
Multi-Frequency and Merlin's Jewel
Genetics and Multi-Frequency Devices
Core Veil
Inner Veil
Deepening in Awakening and Embodiment
Being-Is, Universal Veil & LCF
I-Point & (no) Self
Opening the Creative Channel
Merlin's Grace & Multi-Dimensional Healing
Original Veil and UAP
Clearing the Kundalini Channel
Breaking TimeLines
Awakening the BodyMind
Awakening to Divinity
Manifesting Intention

My Specialisms

I specialise in space clearing and entities removal.
VortexHealing® can help with:
- childhood trauma / trauma
- physical issues, injuries and infections
- emotional issues and sense of Self
- relationship issues
- depression, anxiety, sense of loss...
- spiritual awakening
- spirit-possession and building-infestation
- space-clearing and healing of land

For more information, please visit my website

Approach to Astrological Counselling & How I Work

Both in-person and remote session start with an initial consultation to make sure your healing is custommed to your needs. We will have a chat but also with your consent I will "tune in" and use my (psychic) sensing to see what is coming up for you in terms of your energy system needs and most significant issues (karmic, emotional, psychological). Every VortexHealing® session is different. There are a lot of possibilities, special projects; and things we can work on such specific protocols for emotional issues, working on the energy system and physical body,clearing the deepest karmic layers, relaxation, work on organs, genetics, infection protocol to clear viruses and pathogenes, relationship healings....
The Divine presence that is the source of all the grace and healing power of VortexHealing® is what guides the healing. VortexHealing® is a very powerful healing art. Therefore, it is to be expected that various situations can arise from receiving this healing art. Certain problems, either physical or emotional may be alleviated. deep mystical experiences can occur, as well as life-change realizations. But sometimes, suppressed emotions and physical tensions may receive enough healing to be pushed to the surface, so that they can be released or resolved, and this process may create various emotional or physical symptoms. Deep healing is a process that is intended to create changes in one's life, and those changes can manifest physically, emotionally and spiritually. It is all part of the healing process.

For healings done in-person in my studio, you will lie down comfortably on a massage bed. The light will be soft (lights off or adjustable if you prefer) with candles placed around the room to make the atmosphere cosy and relaxing. I also use essential oils and warm compresses (in accordance with your medical history and conditions) to add an extra touch of relaxation; but that is totally optional and not part of the VortexHealing® session per se.

For more information, please visit my website

Therapies & Rates

Please note the rates detailed below are there to give you an idea of the therapists standard rates, we strongly advise you contact the therapist for more detailed rates and any offers they may have.

Therapy Appointment Type Rate
Massage Therapy In Person £90 per 60 minutes
Massage Therapy In Person £130 per 90 minutes
Healing In Person £120 per 90 minutes
Healing Online/Telephone £120 per 90 minutes
Healing In Person £140 per 90 minutes
Astrological Counselling Online/Telephone £30 per 30 minutes

Additional Rate Information

VortexHealing® Divine Magic Healing with Mara Brami | One-to-One | In-Person/Remote £120 Astrological Puja £30 With VortexHealing® tools Mara can perform these blessings channeling directly from Divinity. Infinite heavenly blessings will be brought into the situation you require your blessing, and will be brought forward IN LINE WITH DIVINE WILL. ASTROLOGICAL PUJAS will clear the negative astrological influences on your Natal Chart and harmonise planetary influences on your life. It lasts for 6 month. VortexHealing® GENETICS | One-to-One | In-Person/Remote £140 VortexHealing® Divine Magic Healing Relationship Healing £180 Massage Therapy & Tui Na Theragun® PRO Percussive Therapy For my services list, and more information, please contact me or visit my website