Jenny O'Brien Bowen Technique

Jenny O'brien
Bowen Technique Practitioner in Leamington Spa

I have always been fascinated in the mind-body connection and studied this phenomenon by completing a Bsc joint honours in Physiology and Psychology.

Following university I chose to take a whole person approach to physical and mental health and train as an Occupational Therapist. I worked in Occupational Therapy in the NHS for over 20 years; working with pre-term infants, babies, children, teenagers, adults and the elderly with a huge range of conditions and functional limitations. I discovered that Bowen Therapy could help with almost all of them.

Time and again it struck me that often 'the dots are not connected' within the NHS. People are investigated for isolated complaints and sent for different tests and treatments but nobody oversees the individual as a whole. Staff have the best intentions but nobody is allocated to looking at the overall health and wellbeing of the individual. I wanted to be more hands on and be able to really help people so I re-trained in the Bowen Technique.

The Bowen Technique appealed to me as it treats the individual as a whole rather than a collection of separate symptoms. It is hands-on, natural, non-invasive, relaxing, beneficial for all ages and almost all conditions. It does not use drugs or surgeries, which put additional stressors on the body, because it taps into the innate ability of the body to heal itself.

Bowen therapy can be used regularly to maintain health. It's also helpful in managing many health conditions, especially constant or recurring ones that we might have come to accept over time as being a normal part of life.

It helps to reduce systemic inflammation which can be 'silent' or present as fatigue, brain fog, pain/ discomfort, immobility and low mood. It also dampens systemic inflammatory responses which is why it is an effective treatment for conditions such as Hay-Fever, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Arthritis.

Background & Bowen Technique Qualifications

Bsc in Psychology & Physiology
Msc in Occupational Therapy
Diploma in Smart Bowen Therapy

BodyReading with Tom Myers
The Importance of Symmetry (IOS) with Robert Smith
McLoughlin Scar Tissue Release Technique (MSTR) with Gus de la Querra
Neurostructural Integration Technique (NST) Proto Plus with Michael Nixon-Livy
The Dorn Method with Brigitte Nath
Targeting Primary Dysfunction (TPD) with Graham Pennington
Pregnancy & Birth Workshop with John Wilks
Connective Tissue & Fascia, A forgotten Interface -Myofascial Release with Michelle Watson
Reiki with Niki Wakeman
Sound Healing - The Sound Healing Academy with Becky Cresswell
Theta Healing - Theta Healing Institute of Knowledge with Susie Valentine

My Specialisms

After running The Be Better Clinic for a few years I started to see links between patterns of thinking and physical ailments and postural presentations.

I became increasingly aware that Bowen was great for sorting these things but that unless the person made a significant changes in their lifestyle, over time, they were likely to re-present with the same issue and need re-tuning with the Bowen.

I believe that the way we view ourselves and the world around us manifests physically in the way we hold ourselves and in the ailments that we tend to develop. I realised that we needed healing from the inside out.

This lead me to developing a 5 session Transformational Therapy Programme (TTP).
The programme uses Theta Healing to help you remove limiting beliefs that are holding you back in life and gives you the healing and learning necessary to significantly improve your current and future health and wellbeing.

Approach to Bowen Technique & How I Work

With a background in Occupational Therapy it is second nature for me to look at you, your environment, your occupations and link why you may be experiencing certain difficulties. I will look at you as a whole and offer advice to help prevent future discomfort and maximise your quality of life.

I adopt a holistic approach to all the therapies that I provide. Bowen Therapy and Theta Healing both treat the individual as a whole, creating a state of harmony in both body and mind. They have the benefit of also being a deeply relaxing therapies and during periods of relaxation the body takes the opportunity to heal, restore and energise itself.

Therapies & Rates

Please note the rates detailed below are there to give you an idea of the therapists standard rates, we strongly advise you contact the therapist for more detailed rates and any offers they may have.

Therapy Appointment Type Rate
Reiki In Person £65 per 60 minutes
Yoga Therapy In Person Please Call
Bowen Technique In Person £65 per 60 minutes
Allergy Therapy In Person Please Call
Myofascial Release In Person Please Call
Body Stress Release In Person Please Call
Tension and Trauma Releasing In Person Please Call
Healing In Person Please Call
Theta Healing In Person £100 per 60 minutes
Scar Tissue Release In Person Please Call

Additional Rate Information

All sessions are £65 for adults and £45 for children. Theta Healing is £120 for an hour or £500 for the Transformation Therapy Programme which includes 5 sessions (£100 per session).