vivienne hopkins Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Vivienne Hopkins
Cognitive Behavioural Therapist in Oxford

I am a UKCP accredited Cognitive Analytic Psychotherapist, Trainer and Supervisor.

My core profession is clinical psychology, I am an NHS trained Clinical Psychologist and a CIC trained Mindfulness Teacher. I have 18 years' experience of working within the NHS at a senior level and with people suffering diverse, complex and enduring mental health difficulties.

I offer face to face therapy at a clinic in Bicester, Oxfordshire or digital therapy via a secure online platform.

Background & Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Qualifications


BA(Hons); MSc (Health Psychology); DClinPsy (Doctor of Clinical & Community Psychology)

Accredited Cognitive Analytic Psychotherapist

CIC trained Mindfulness Teacher

I am a member of the following regulatory bodies:

Professional Memberships

UK Council for Psychotherapy

Membership number: 2011171072
Health and Care Professionals Council

Registration number: PYL27278

My Specialisms

I have trained in the following approaches: cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT); acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT); dialectical behavioural therapy (DBT); mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) and cognitive analytic therapy (CAT). I have taken up further specialist training in CAT and you can read more about this way of working by visiting the Association for Cognitive Analytic Therapy (ACAT) at Essentially, CAT is a collaborative, pragmatic and relational model which can be used to help people with a wide range of difficulties.

Approach to Cognitive Behavioural Therapy & How I Work

I seek to explore and understand a person's difficulties and needs collaboratively with them, and within a warm and non-judgmental therapeutic relationship. Working together in this way we can come to recognise stuck patterns which might hold us back in our lives.

By kindly understanding how these patterns came to be and what might activate them (often unconsciously), we can develop the potential to better know them when they arise and make a conscious decision to instead head off in a different direction. It is my role to help you recognise these patterns and to support you in making the changes that are acceptable and helpful to you.

My work tends to be emotionally and relationally focused with an analytic emphasis. Whilst I am influenced by Jungian concepts, the breadth of my clinical training allows me to draw from several models to individually tailor therapy to a person's needs.

Therapies & Rates

Please note the rates detailed below are there to give you an idea of the therapists standard rates, we strongly advise you contact the therapist for more detailed rates and any offers they may have.

Therapy Appointment Type Rate
Psychotherapy In Person £95 per 50 minutes
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy In Person £95 per 50 minutes
Mindfulness In Person £95 per 60 minutes

Additional Rate Information

I specialise in cognitive analytic therapy (CAT) and offer individual and group supervision in this model. More information regarding my way of working can be found by visiting my website: www. Oxford psychotherapy-Vivienne