Greg Ham Herbal Medicine

Greg Ham
Herbal Medicine Practitioner in Braunton


My practice is based in North Devon, United Kingdom with local, national and international clientele, using energy medicine and herbalism. Both are sustainable and ethical practices that have proven to be effective for thousands of years and necessary for life. Practically everyone, everyday, lives because they are nourished by energy and herbs/plants. These are two of the fundamentals to human existence. The move away from these by modern society has contributed to widespread poor health.

Energy (chi) is a way of life for me. It is a conscious extension of the senses and in differing situations I see, hear, taste, smell and feel energy. It is my primary perception and life is made the more amazing for it. In this lifetime's experience, I have observed that:

Energy is life and increasing the quantity and quality of it is life enhancing. It nourishes our subtle inner self.

When energy flows, self-heals and regenerates, we live in well-being. It is associated with an outer self that aligns with the inner, leading towards peace, calm and a general easiness about life. You are able to be what could be described as your true self.

Every client is encouraged and taught techniques to follow their heart because it provides compassionate, loving and elegant solutions to issues than just the cold, clinical responses provided by mental intelligence. Heart energy is part of your internal wisdom!

You will be met with the genuine compassion and gentleness you deserve from a real human being and treated holistically.

Living with energy has enabled me to observe what positively influences it and how to use it to move out of dis-ease. These are the skills I offer to you to improve your well-being, no matter what the situation.

Client feedback is excellent and in some cases, to the extent of stating that their doctor's and medical specialists were surprised at their speed of recovery and/or the fullness of the outcomes - some of which they have never experienced before in decades of practice.

If you would like to know more then please feel free to contact me:

01271 815 850

Background & Herbal Medicine Qualifications

Clinical Herbalism
Integrated Energy Healing
Reiki II
Anatomy & Physiology
Crystal Healing

My Specialisms

To assess, balance and develop your energy so that your body becomes the self-restoring, self-regulating biological organism that it should be.

I do this by:

- addressing shock and developmental trauma
- restoring joy and happiness in life
- dissolving life-style stresses
- restoring emotional and mental balance
- resolving childhood related issues
- empowerment and confidence building
- increasing grounding and resiliance to stress
- restoring missing energies
- removing intrusions and energy drains

For more information, please refer to my website:

Approach to Herbal Medicine & How I Work

My approach is holistic, informative and non-judgemental with a view to gently encourage people towards self-empowerment and to use their inner wisdom to move out of dis-ease and flourish.

For client feedback see:

Contact me: 01271 815 850 | |

I may not be able to respond instantly to requests but promise that I will get back to you in a reasonable time.

Therapies & Rates

Please note the rates detailed below are there to give you an idea of the therapists standard rates, we strongly advise you contact the therapist for more detailed rates and any offers they may have.

Therapy Appointment Type Rate
Herbal Medicine In Person £60 per 60 minutes
Herbal Medicine Online/Telephone £60 per 60 minutes
Energy Medicine In Person £50 per 60 minutes
Energy Medicine Online/Telephone £50 per 60 minutes
Healing In Person £50 per 60 minutes
Healing Online/Telephone £50 per 60 minutes

Additional Rate Information

Energy Medicine & Healing: Sessions are £50 for the first hour and £10 per additional 15 mins thereafter. Distant (absent) healing is available for those who are unable to attend in person. Children/under 18 rate is £40 per hour.