After completing a BSc (Hons) IIT specialising in Human Resources and systems, Stuart completed a professional level 5 Diploma with external NVQ assessment with the Association of Stress managers in Analysis, Stress Management Counselling and Clinical Hypnotherapy. He then completed (level 5+) accreditation with the National Association of Counsellors Hypnotherapists and Psychotherapists in Psychoanalysis, Counselling, Hypnosis, CBT and integrative clinical psychotherapy.
Post qualification Stuart has completed a range of additional awards including:
University Certificate in Inter-personnel Communication (Lampeter University)
University Certificate (various topics, mainly psychology, theology and philosophy) (Edinburgh University)
BA (Hons) Open specialising in psychology and social studies (Open University)
BA(Hons) Psychology and Philosophy of the mind.
MSc Psychology specialising in Identity, Linguistics, Psychoanalysis and Biological Psychology (Open University)
Level 4 Hypnotherapy (ASET)
Level 4 Psychotherapy (ASET)
Level 4 Counselling (ASET)
Level 4 Mental health in Social Work (ASET)
Level 4 Competence in Social Work 9ASET)
Level 3 Grief Counselling (ASET)
Level 3 NLP (ASET)
Level 3 Coaching (ASET)
Level 3 Psychotherapy (ASET)
Level 7 Complex Trauma post grad diploma
Sidereus Hypnosis diploma
Mindfulness, Naikan and Morita personal training (TODO Institute)
Post graduate post qualification certifications require a minimum of a Masters Degree and License to practice to be accepted, and then a minimum score of 80% on the final professional examination.
Certified Specialist Clinical Mindfulness (Level 7 post graduate, post qualification)
Certified Specialist Functional Trauma Medicine (Level 7 post graduate, post qualification)
Certified Specialist Individual Trauma (Level 7 post graduate, post qualification)
Certified Specialist Complex Trauma (Level 7 post graduate, post qualification)
Certified Specialist Hypnosis and Neurology Informed Traumatology (Level 7 post graduate, post qualification)
Certified Specialist Anxiety Disorders (Level 7 post graduate, post qualification)
Certified Specialist Depression and Mood Disorders (Level 7 post graduate, post qualification)
Certified Specialist Grief Counselling (Level 7 post graduate, post qualification)
Certified Specialist Advanced Grief Therapy (Level 7 post graduate, post qualification)
Certified Specialist ADHD and Behavioural Disorders (Level 7 post graduate, post qualification)
Certified DBT for BPD
Certified Specialist in ASD
Post Graduate CPD Training:
Interpersonal NeuroBiology (Mindsight Institute - Professor Dan Siegel)
Polyvagal training CPD courses
IFS CPD Courses
DBT CPD Courses
EMDR CPD Courses
Somatic Processing for Trauma
MEMI Advanced EMDR
Trauma Research Foundation Certificate in Traumatic Stress Studies (with Bessel van Der Kolk)
Stuart is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Public Health, Fellow of the National Association of Counsellors Hypnotherapists and Psychotherapists. He continues to complete university level and vocational ongoing professional development. Registered practitioner with CTHA (complementary therapy) and the BAThH (therapeutic hypnosis and NLP), both CNHC validation bodies.
Stuart is registered on the CNHC Accredited register under hypnotherapy. Accredited registers are maintained by the Professional Standards Authority for healthcare professionals not subject to statutory regulation.
Stuart is also PVG checked for work with young people and vulnerable adults (PVG is the enhanced disclosure system in Scotland)
Stuart is first aid at work certificated. Stuart is professionally insured.
Stuart also is Certified Competent in a number of additional therapy models including RO DBT, ACT, Mindfulness, CBASP.
Stuart specialises in using a combination of analysis, talking therapy, Somatic therapy, Mind Body therapy, and CBT based psychological therapies (as recommended by NICE) to address a range of mental health conditions including Trauma, Complex Trauma, Bipolar, Depression, Anxiety, Mood Disorders, Eating Disorders, Personality Disorders, OCD and PTSD.
Therapy is based around core methods recommended and evidenced by Research Methods and or Nice. Trauma treatment protocols are recommended by the APA (lead professional regulator in the USA). Stuart is an International registered APA practitioner (psychologist)
Stuart also uses analysis and talking therapy to address patterns in people's lives which may include dysfunctional relationships, motivational issues, tendency for self sabotage, co dependent relationships, passive aggressive behaviours, stress management and anger management.
Clinical hypnotherapy is also used, not only as part of addressing the above conditions, but also for Phobias, Public Speaking, behavioural Change, Motivation, Confidence, Sports Hypnosis, Performance and stress management relaxation. Hypnotherapy (as recommended by NICE) is also used for irritable Bowel Syndrome and (as recommended by Anxiety UK) for anxiety management.
Stress / anxiety management is a key function of both Stuart's training and practice and this is crucial in a wide range of conditions in which stress or anxiety play a part. This can include psychosomatic illness and pain management.
An integrative approach combining core therapies with other therapies studies from a range of counselling and psychotherapy models. Stuart believes in the expression: "If all you have is a hammer, all you see is nails". Therefore Stuart uses a wide range of tools, so as to adapt to the client, and not expect the client to "fit the therapy".
Initial core approaches:
Analysis, including psychoanalysis (influences including Lacan, Freud, Klein, Jung), philosophical (influences including Foucault, Lacan, Nietzsche, Hume) , logical, linguistic (influences including discourse, Lacan and Foucault) and CBT based.
Clinical Hypnotherapy, used both as a behavioural change and as a platform for psychological therapies including analysis, visualisation, stress management and CBT.
Mindfulness based psychological therapies and related psychological therapies including CBT, MBCT, MBSR, ACT, DBT, RO-DBT Mindfulness and eastern psychologies including Naikan, Satori and Morita.
Coaching or Education based processes including NLP, CBT, Life Coaching, Morita, health Education.
Overall approach:
1. Analysis to identify patterns and underlying issues
2. CBT, Coaching, Hypnotherapy to enable change
3. Mindfulness, Psychology and other methods as needed to enable empowerment and self awareness
These are not in a static 1.2.3 and finish pattern, they repeat and mingle as needed by the client and the range of issues being worked on.
In trauma cases, which is the speciality the 3 stage approach is used:
(Before therapy proper, establish trust and safety with practitioner and practice environment)
1. Stabilise and teach self regulation
2. Once calm and self regulated deeper issues and patterns of trauma can be addressed including somatic processing, attachment issues, relationships, core beliefs. Later in this stage where appropriate memory processing can be carried out.
3. Post trauma growth - building a new future, and tidy up any residual flashback type issues
South St Andrews Street is just off of the main shopping area, about 20 yards from a tram stop, 300 yards from main rail station, multiple bus routes.
Please note the rates detailed below are there to give you an idea of the therapists standard rates, we strongly advise you contact the therapist for more detailed rates and any offers they may have.
Therapy | Appointment Type | Rate | |
Hypnotherapy | In Person | £125 per 55 minutes |
Psychotherapy | In Person | £125 per 55 minutes | |
Counselling | In Person | £125 per 55 minutes |
The standard rate for a working person below maximum income tax threshold is shown. Persons earning over the max income tax threshold are £160 per 55 mins Persons on supported income, in financial hardship, and students are £100 per 55 mins