Allison Prebble Nutritional Therapy

Allison Prebble
Nutritional Therapist in Malvern

I am dedicated to prevention as well as to alleviating conditions. I work well with deep issues, identifying imbalances in the body by monitoring your ability to hold your muscles against light pressure "muscle response testing". I check for the possible causes be they structural, biochemical (e.g. nutritional deficiencies, intolerances), emotional or energetic (e.g. dehydration). For example if you have bloating, constipation or bowel issues and you've changed your diet but are still having symptoms, there could be an underlying issue e.g. yeast or bacteria, that diet alone is not addressing. I will then advise whether supplements are advisable and I may massage lymphatic points and/or make structural corrections.

Background & Nutritional Therapy Qualifications

I have been a kinesiologist for 22 years and a nutritional therapist since 2012. I am also trained in Metaphysical Anatomy, which gets to the bottom of long standing issues. I combine the therapies in every treatment to give maximum benefit to clients.
MSc Nutritional Therapy (University of Worcester)
Diploma in Systematic Kinesiology (TASK)
Primary or primitive reflexes (203)
Up to date first aid

My Specialisms

I work holistically because many health issues can stem from the same source and/or be interconnected. I have a great deal of experience with digestive issues, skin problems, endocrine imbalances, stress, joint aches and pains.

Approach to Nutritional Therapy & How I Work

I combine both kinesiology, nutritional therapy and Metaphysical Anatomy in most treatments because they are intrinsically linked. What suits one person will not suit another, so the approach is completely based on you as an individual. You may be asked to complete a food and drink diary for a few days so that I can work with you so you may use to slowly start changing any patterns that may not be helping your health.

Therapies & Rates

Please note the rates detailed below are there to give you an idea of the therapists standard rates, we strongly advise you contact the therapist for more detailed rates and any offers they may have.

Therapy Appointment Type Rate
Kinesiology In Person £59 per 55 minutes
Kinesiology In Person £79 per 90 minutes
Nutritional Therapy In Person £59 per 55 minutes
Nutritional Therapy In Person £79 per 90 minutes

Additional Rate Information

The initial visit will take 1¼ to 1½ hours - this includes me taking a full case history and then a consultation. All subsequent visits are 45 to 60 minutes. If you would like me to analyse a food diary for you, the cost is £90.


Will Thomas on 13/05/2015

"I've used Allison's services as a kinesiologist for a many years now. I love the integrated way in which she works. She is invaluable as a fine-tuner of my well being. Allison was also particularly brilliant supporting me through one of life's "curve balls" a few years ago. I highly highly recommend her. "