Shyra Rajakulendran Rapid Transformational Therapy

Shyra Rajakulendran
Rapid Transformational Therapist in Lymm

My name is Dr Shyra Rajakulendran. I qualified as a medical doctor in 1999 and am now a Consultant Rheumatologist part-time. I discovered Rapid Transformational Therapy® as part of my own healing journey after being in an abusive relationship, becoming a single parent to 2 very young children and struggling with my own mental wellbeing. I have experienced first hand the powerful transformational shifts that this therapy can bring about for issues that have been deep rooted for decades.

As a Consultant Rheumatologist I also treat many patients who suffer with issues such as chronic pain/ fibromyalgia where in the majority of cases, these patients have experienced some form of trauma in their lives.

Background & Rapid Transformational Therapy Qualifications

Certified Hypnotherapist
Rapid Transformational Therapy Practitioner
Membership Royal College of Physicians
Bachelor of Medicine Bachelor of Surgery
Basic Medical Science degree

My Specialisms

These are many of the issues that can be treated with Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT®). If you have an issue not listed here please do still get in touch to find out if RTT® could help you:

Alcohol/ drug dependence - offered via an Addiction Program (please enquire for further details)
Low confidence
Low self-esteem
Imposter syndrome
Panic attacks
Performance anxiety
Weight issues
Eating disorders
Relationship issues
Break bad habits
Overcoming fear and phobias
Resolve past trauma
Address chronic medical issues which are often linked with past unresolved trauma/ adverse events (Mind Body connection)

I know how RTT® can help with so many issues and avoid the need for months, if not years of more conventional therapy.

I also work in collaboration with Cheshire Sobriety Clinic in delivering a unique Addiction Program to help clients with problematic alcohol and drug use/ addictions.

Please find out further details here:

Approach to Rapid Transformational Therapy & How I Work

My approach to therapy blends evidence-based techniques with a deep understanding of the mind-body connection. I integrate Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT) with compassionate listening and personalised strategies to empower my clients. With a focus on healing root causes rather than just managing symptoms, I guide individuals towards profound shifts in their mental and emotional well-being. Together, we uncover limiting beliefs, address past traumas, and cultivate positive mindset shifts that promote lasting change. My goal is to create a supportive and non-judgmental space where clients can discover their inner strength and resilience and achieve significant transformational healing.

Therapies & Rates

Please note the rates detailed below are there to give you an idea of the therapists standard rates, we strongly advise you contact the therapist for more detailed rates and any offers they may have.

Therapy Appointment Type Rate
Rapid Transformational Therapy In Person Please Call

Additional Rate Information

PLEASE NOTE SESSIONS OFFERED IN-PERSON (IN CHESHIRE) AND ONLINE VIA ZOOM £350.00 - £950.00 Free initial telephone or online session Additional information FREE initial clarity call (via zoom) Packages include: Pre-session preparation (detailed form completion, creating personalised hypnosis script) 2 hour RTT session/s (in-person/ via zoom) Personalised hypnosis recording to listen to for 21 days (a new recording will be made for each RTT session) Post session support with regular WhatsApp messages/ texts/ emails Phone call check in - 1 week after each session Follow up session (in-person or via zoom) lasting 30 minutes PRICING: Package 1 x RTT Session = £350 Package 2 x Sessions = £650 Package 3 x Sessions = £950 **For many issues 1 RTT session is sufficient. For more deep rooted issues a 2nd or 3rd RTT session may be required.