Nicholas Malone Sex Therapy

Nicholas Malone
Sex Therapist in Edinburgh

Edinburgh Psychosexual Clinic was formed in 2020 to provide an easily accessible, pragmatic, and cost-effective approach to resolving sexual problems. We aim to quickly provide clients with the information and skills needed to reduce anxiety, increase confidence, and improve sexual responses. Appointments are by face-to-face, telephone, video or email. We will see individuals and couples.

Background & Sex Therapy Qualifications

Edinburgh Psychosexual Clinic was founded by Nicholas Malone (BSc(hons), PGDip(merit), RegCOSRT) in 2020. Nicholas is a qualified Psychosexual Therapist and Addictions Counsellor who is a member of COSRT (the governing body for Sexual and Relationship Therapists). He has over 25 years' experience in the research and treatment of sexual problems and addictions /compulsivity for both the NHS and Third Sector organisations, and still works part-time for NHS Lothian Psychosexual Service in Edinburgh.

My Specialisms

Psychosexual Therapy
Sex Therapy

Approach to Sex Therapy & How I Work


Therapies & Rates

Please note the rates detailed below are there to give you an idea of the therapists standard rates, we strongly advise you contact the therapist for more detailed rates and any offers they may have.

Therapy Appointment Type Rate
Sex Therapy In Person £150 per 50 minutes
Sex Therapy Online/Telephone £150 per 50 minutes

Additional Rate Information

Psychosexual Therapy starts with an Initial Assessment appointment (face-to-face/telephone/video), after which you will receive a Report on the causes your problem and a Treatment Plan to begin resolving issues.