Michael Grady Thought Field Therapy

Michael Grady
Though Field Therapy Practitioner in Canyon Country

We are waiting for the therapist to complete this information.

Background & Thought Field Therapy Qualifications

We are waiting for the therapist to complete this information.

My Specialisms

We are waiting for the therapist to complete this information.

Approach to Thought Field Therapy & How I Work

We are waiting for the therapist to complete this information.

Therapies & Rates

Please note the rates detailed below are there to give you an idea of the therapists standard rates, we strongly advise you contact the therapist for more detailed rates and any offers they may have.

Therapy Appointment Type Rate
Emotional Freedom Technique Online/Telephone Please Call
Thought Field Therapy Online/Telephone Please Call

Additional Rate Information

Sign up for a free consultation and sample clearing for the topic or item you'd like to work on.