Ingrid Hoffman

Avant Garde—Aquarius Full Moon—August 3rd

Posted by Ingrid Hoffman Over 1 Year Ago

Something wild is stirring in the collective energy. Subversive actions, independent thinking. A fervent passion to make this world a better, kinder place.
Monday’s quirky Full Moon is in progressive, humanitarian Aquarius; a sign with two rulers: the sky-gods Saturn and Uranus. The old and the new, the past and the future.
The Sun/ Moon square Uranus underscores the dissent, the defiance, the schisms in our societies at this turbulent time in our human his-story. This is the energy that propels us off the edge of indecision, that cries out "enough is enough!". This is the energy that carries us away on a primrose coloured Moon shadow then turns everything upside down, inside out. This is the energy that compels us to begin again. To live more authentically, more wholeheartedly.
This weekend there may be encounters and experiences that illuminate our sense of what it means to “belong” to a tribe, a community, or a nation. We may be feeling disillusioned with our participation in the babble that is social media. We may be feeling heart sore, angry, or frustrated by circumstances that curtail our freedom. We may long to do more in a world that needs so much Healing.
The Full Moon also makes an opportunistic sextile to Chiron in Aries, prompting us to go to the edge as we heal old patterns, attend to our own wounds, move beyond the bounds of our old conditioning, question the validity of our own narrative.
Uranus breaks down old structures, as Mercury opposes Pluto and Saturn, prompting us to take special care when communicating, or when signing documents, dealing with authorities, and especially when travelling or moving through public spaces. The Sun is in joyful and spontaneous Leo at the moment, yet the heavy-weights of the cosmos have a strong under-tow that urges restraint and caution. This is not a time for risk taking or self-centred rebellion.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, quirky Aquarius (an air sign) is also the “water bearer”, who pours life-giving water from the river of life. The wavy glyph for Aquarius represents knowledge (not wisdom) that carries across waves of vibrational energy into our communities.
These next months will be turbulent. There will be seismic shock waves that ripple through cities and countries. Mars the god of war makes his first square aspect (August 4th) to Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn between now and late December 2020, stirring up political, social, economic, and health-related dynamics reminiscent of March 20-31st. As Mars moves through Aries, it will touch not only patterns in our own birth chart, but also in the charts of our leaders and our nations.
As this dazzlingly different Full Moon squares Uranus (rebellion, and those break-throughs that rip our lives apart) sweeps across our own birth chart on Monday, may we be mindful of our choices and their consequences. May we question the “conventional” and our own assumptions about what we believe is "true".
Aquarius is the energy that breaks rank, dares to be different. Astrologer, Richard Tarnas suggests that Uranus should be more aptly named Prometheus, after the ingenious Titan that fashioned humankind from clay, then rebelliously stole life-giving fire from the gods to gift to humans.
May our consciousness be raised by an unexpected thought. May our differences draw us nearer to one another with curious eyes and open hearts. May we remember, amidst the uncertainty and the frustration, the delight and the wonderment, that this moment is Life.
Please get in touch if you would like to know more about your own birth chart. I offer private consultations on Skype or Zoom.
In Love,