Hilary Ellis

Five tips to put more fizz in your networking !

Posted by Hilary Ellis Over 1 Year Ago

Networking connects you to the people who can help you progress your career or business. It’s a two-way conversation and doesn’t need to be scary. Follow these 5 tips to get more from your networking this year!

  1. Know what you want and why you want it - be clear about what you are asking for so that people can help you.
  2. Ask a curious, open question - turn the spotlight on others and be exquisitely fascinated by the people you meet.
  3. Nothing to say? Ask for AIR (Advice, Insights and Recommendations on something you are working on).
  4. It’s not a numbers game - one or two positive conversations are far more valuable than a scattergun approach.
  5. Always follow up - Connect on social media, make a recommendation, send an interesting article by email or arrange another meet-up.

Networking is key leadership skill for for anyone looking to progress in their career - within their exisiting organisation, when you're looking for a career move or looking for new clients as a freelancer or entrepreneur. 

To find out how to put more fizz into your networking, contact me to schedule a chat!