Julie Crowley

How you can learn to manage your Mindset

Posted by Julie Crowley Hypnotherapist Over 1 Year Ago

Mindset management through coaching and other techniques requires firstly that you accept the two types of your mind - the conscious, decision making mind you are more likely to be aware of just because it is conscious awareness and also your unconscious mind which works 'behind the scenes' keeping you alive, well and protected. This is the most powerful of your two minds. As it is unconscious or subconscious i.e. not aware, it can seem like things happen 'to you' such as stress reactions and feelings, triggered feelings, overthinking and dwelling on thoughts that can be exhausting and 'warning' thoughts or instincts that you may well ignore or dismiss when they are working for you, not against you! Your survival instinct and defence mechanisms all hang out here! This is where you can find them and with NLP or hypnosis or some other service models you can work directly with to make positive, helpful changes to long held patterns that once worked but not now, to beliefs that hold you back from success and happiness and 'bad' habits that you want to stop like smoking, weight, belief systems. Once you learn to recognise these two mindsets and their work, their functions, you can learn ways to manage the thoughts and reactions they bring with them. Change a thought, feeling or behaviour and you will change the other two. Change your mind and you can change your life! Change just a word with NLP language influencing and you will change the meaning and therefore your feelings and behaviours accordingly. Change your thoughts changes your perception in turn changes your feelings and therefore your behaviours and actions! It is there for each of you and me too, and I have learned how to do this over personal life experience and perhaps latent talent or at least interests, as well as professional training and insights in Counselling originally, then adding Coaching where my heart lies along with NLP and Hypnosis techniques to work with the unconscious mind. NLP also provides insights to the mind and communication styles, our tendencies we need to work with not against and enable us to go with the natural flow of who you are - and who you are meant to become!