Lindsay Allison

Latest findings in homeopathy research: high quality trials show homeopathy more effective than placebo!

Posted by Lindsay Allison Over 1 Year Ago

Over 250 scientists from 39 countries met in Rome on the 5 - 7 June to share their latest findings in Homeopathy research. ‘Cutting Edge Research in Homeopathy’.  The second international conference organised by the Homeopathy Research Institute (HRI), brought together the most respected academics in this field from around the world to answer some of Homeopathy’s most pressing questions. How does it work, and what can it treat?

The 35 speakers drawn from 17 different countries included 6 university professors and 28 doctors. Each presentation was carefully selected to showcase the best of Homeopathy research, covering diverse topics ranging from the treatment of depression to lab-based experiments investigating how homeopathic medicines work. Dr Robert Mathie, a keynote speaker at the conference, shared detailed data from his recently published systematic review of randomised controlled trials on the effects of individualised homeopathic treatment. Unlike previous meta - analyses, which made no distinction between different types of Homeopathy, this study looked solely at standard care as delivered by most homeopaths, in which prescriptions are tailored to each individual patient. This ground-breaking study found that individualised homeopathic treatment is more effective than placebo, even when one considers only results from the highest quality trials.

The event was a resounding success with the high-quality presentations informing attendees about the latest results in Homeopathy research from around the world and extensive networking taking place throughout the intensive academic and social program of the conference. HRI is proud to have hosted this unique forum for international scientific collaboration, fostering the research needed by patients, healthcare providers and policy makers to enable them to make informed decision about Homeopathy

As Dr Alexander Tournier, Executive Director of the Homeopathy Research Institute explains, “Homeopathy research presents us with no shortage of profound questions and challenges. This conference highlights the ongoing work of an active and dedicated community of academic researchers fascinated by this emerging field.”

In the latest British Medical Journal pole on whether the NHS should support Homeopathy, 62% of respondents (3,193) voted that Doctors should recommend Homeopathy.