According to various estimates, about 10 million Americans have used crack at least once in their lives, with 500,000 doing so on a regular basis. Even if these numbers today are far less than what they were 30-40 years ago during the crack epidemic, the drug still poses a huge threat to the United States. It destroys relationships and destinies, shortens lives, and kills. That's why it's important to know what signs characterize a person with a crack cocaine addiction. This will help to respond to the problem in a timely manner and assist in treatment. But first, let's understand what crack is.
What is crack and why is it so dangerous?
Crack is specially processed cocaine. The result is crystals that are usually used for smoking. This way of getting the drug into the body leads to the fact that it quickly causes an intense high. But unlike cocaine, the effect wears off after just 10 minutes, and with it come the first withdrawal symptoms.
Why crack is dangerous:
It's cheaper than cocaine, making it more accessible.
Crack is quickly addictive, sometimes a single dose is enough.
There is a high risk of overdose, also due to the presence of impurities of other drugs.
Crack destroys the body on a physical and mental level. If crack addiction treatment in a specialized rehabilitation center is not provided in a timely manner, there are only two paths awaiting the addict: death from an overdose or accident, or imprisonment. The good news is that this disease is treatable. How exactly, we will tell you at the end of the article.
Physical symptoms of crack addiction
The main way of using crack cocaine is smoking. That is why the lungs suffer the most from this drug. An addicted person coughs constantly, has shortness of breath, and often complains of chest pain.
Over time, the problems with the lungs worsen:
They become more damaged.
Asthma may worsen.
The patient constantly spits out black phlegm.
Due to impaired lung function, the body lacks oxygen, which can cause neurological problems and even brain hemorrhage.
Like any other stimulant, crack cocaine causes an increase in heart rate and blood pressure. Along with this, there may be discomfort in the heart area, and complaints of headaches that have not been experienced before.
One of the most noticeable signs of crack and many other drugs is dilated pupils. They appear very large and hardly ever constrict when exposed to light.
Another symptom that requires increased attention is weight loss. Crack use leads to appetite suppression, so weight loss is very rapid. This causes the person to look emaciated and have an unhealthy complexion.
The effects of crack on the psyche
The first time a person smokes crack cocaine, he or she experiences euphoria and an extraordinary burst of energy. This lasts for a few minutes, after which the pleasant sensation is replaced by a feeling of desolation. Addiction usually develops after several doses, but it happens that a single dose is enough.
Crack works as a stimulant of the nervous system, so it changes a person's behavior. People addicted to this drug are unable to sit still and are constantly agitated. They are constantly worried about finding crack, so they are able to be aggressive and irresponsible, which were not typical for them before.
Crack causes mood swings that are hard to miss. Just a minute ago, the addicted person could be happy about life, but now he or she is in a depressed state of deep depression. At the same time, his cognitive abilities are often impaired: he is unable to think rationally and make informed decisions. This makes his behavior seem risky, not considering the consequences.
One of the most dangerous symptoms of crack addiction is the development of paranoia and increased anxiety. In this state, people are not aware of their actions and may pose a danger not only to themselves, but also to others. Complaints of insect-like sensations under the skin — a clear sign that the disease is progressing and needs treatment — should be especially alarming.
Treatment options for addiction
One of the most difficult stages of addiction treatment is the beginning, when the patient must be persuaded to seek help from a rehab. There is no universal advice on how to do this. It may take time. The main thing is to be patient and talk without judgment.
The recommended format for treatment is in an inpatient setting. This is because withdrawal symptoms appear just a few hours after the last dose, and these symptoms are very strong. These can be pain throughout the body, fever, weakness, insomnia. The person wants to use the drug very badly and is able to go to any lengths to get it.
To remove crack from the body, medical detoxification may be performed. Special medications are prescribed to support the body, including those that restore cognitive function. Special attention is paid to restoring the respiratory system, which has been affected by the way the drug is used.
An integral part of any rehabilitation program is comprehensive Psychotherapy. It includes individual and group sessions, family therapy and more. The therapies help a person realize their addiction, understand the reasons for its development, learn to cope with triggers, and ultimately learn to love themselves.
Crack addiction treatment is a long and thorny road. In order to get through it, the patient must have loving people by his side who will provide him with the necessary help in time.