Posted by Debbie Winstanley Over 1 Year Ago
Hypnotherapy is about communicating with the unconscious mind. That larger 90% part of the mind that so often controls the decisions we make and the behaviours we display. In other words, the programming we have undergone since childhood (by family, teachers etc), which so often influences the way we react to the world, and in fact the way we actually perceive it in the first place.
The aspects of this programming responsible for disempowering us, sabotaging our desires and intentions has to be dealt with before we can experience significant and lasting change without reverting back to our old ways.
Once these changes are made on an unconscious level, then you can go ahead and become that permanent non-smoker that you have long wanted to be, or shed all that unnecessary weight for good. Phobias can be eliminated, self-confidence and esteem built to high levels. You will not only feel worthiness, but have positive expectations for things to turn out well.
Hypnotherapy, together with NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) can help you re-direct those neural pathways in a positive direction.
I've been working for 15 years, helping people to lead healthier, happier and fulfilling lives. If now, is the time for you to change unhelpful belief systems, past conditioning and thought patterns, please phone me to find out how I can help.